Friday, September 11, 2009


There are two ways of doing business;
1. Letting the END justify the MEANS.
2. Belief that MEANS will justify the END.

Theory 1 one indicates that one can adopt any means good or evil, harmful or benign, to achieve an end. In this method, End (Target) is decided before and people are driven to achieve that. In my opinion, this method can serve only the self-interest of the master without regard for fellow humans and surroundings. This was the American method whose people believed in the invincibility of Man. Big Corporation in the USA founded on this principle turned arrogant. We all know what this method led to for those Corporations in the US. Presently those big Corporations are sick wanting care.

The other was the 'Oriental way'. Ancient Indian scriptures abound on the appropriateness of this theory. According to the scriptures it is the more natural form. The Japanese followed this principle in the 70s and 80s and emerged winners. They worked hard perfecting the development of products to suit human needs and the rest is history. In this method, the 'target' was not a self-serving number but satisfying human needs. This brought huge prosperity to Japan.

If the target is a number that satisfies the greed of the master, then it is pure oppression just as Hitler, who tried to destroy the world to prove his hegemony. The END is actually not in the control of the human. It is again said in our scriptures that one can only put efforts in the right direction, the fruit of labour is dependent on many factors that are beyond human comprehension. But it is a fact that right efforts will surely bring in good results (cause and effect theory), the quantum of which is dependent on those same factors.

Therefore it is a lesson for the Corporations that their focus should be on creation & congenial employment of resources such as human, machinery and knowledge with a vision for better world and the environment will take care of its well-being and growth.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Consumerism is like smoking and alchoholism.
Too much of it leads to addiction.

Consumers have many to satisfy them
Employees have only their Companies to look up to.

If a boss supports his subordinates, the Company will grow.
If a boss supports his higher-ups, only he will grow.

3Ps to be a good salesman;
Personality, Presentation, Product knowledge.

Let Corporates worldwide begin to understand that an individual is worthier than money.