Monday, July 18, 2011


Let us suppose that an Indian Company has performed well and has shown a growth of about 30%. One can take it for sure that the next year sales target will be 70-100% growth. No doubt the sales team is upbeat, but the reason for the phenomenal growth has to be examined. Next year sales targets are decided without taking along the other departments into consideration. The result is that sales people are under tremondous pressure. Even if they generate good sales orders, the production department is unable to fulfill the orders. The orders, invariably get delayed in execution. This leads to sales peoples' frustration. A steady growth target is always good and sustainable in the long run. This increases the credibility as well as its reputation. Showing greed is counter productive and does not serve the Company well.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


A typical Indian wing of a multinational Company behaves in a manner which is far apart from their principals in advanced Countries. There is generally too much of pressure working in Indian Companies. Many employees are asked to work late hours in the office and are repeatedly bombarded with questions by many seniors within the Organisation. An Employee is not let alone to attend to his core work. In addition to a higher unplanned work he/she is asked to answer several consultants engaged by the Company for Safety, Quality, Productivity, Sales review etc.. At other times they are subjected to too many training programmes. In other times they are made to engage in countless meetings. The person is constantly kept in a state of avoidable stress. I do not understand why in India people are made to work all six days full time when their foreign counterparts are given 2 days weekend. A rethink is MUST in the way employees potential are tapped.