Friday, April 5, 2013


Why can't we have our own business model. Americans have their, the one they set the trend in the world. Japan has Zen Management. Europeans conduct business on their unity and however Germans have their quality to guide them. 

Our vedas have a good exponent on the way business can be conducted. Lot of good business ideas are available. I am listing some of them below.

Emphasis on doing things well rather than just doing. This means making quality products which surely will be useful to the ultimate consumers.  

The Head of the Company should be selfless. His prime focus should be for the good of the people through his products which are useful as well as affordable. He should fulfill his social responsibility through his organisation. He should develop good and competent people. He should not expect that his Company be inherited by his sons/daughters but by some competent people.

The tenure of the Head of the Company should be limited during which he should develop a competent person to take over the reins. He should never amass wealth and stock them for his children. In fact, if he has accumulated property during his tenure, he should leave a major part of the amount to Charity and only a minor part to his children.

The employees should be treated equally and should be provided with adequate needs. They should be made to reach their 'self actualisation' rather than financial wealth. Money should never be the criteria. An example is the setting up of colonies where employees can reside and provide them with amenities such as schools, playgrounds, hospitals, recreation centres, community halls etc..

The employees in turn should give their best without expecting anything in return. Whatever they are given, they should develop a sense of contentment but give their best. They should not think that they are working for a Company but they are a significant contributors for the welfare of the society as a whole which is true.

The Company should make products which protect the environment and help to preserve the ecosystem. No shortcut method should be employed in the conduct of business such as seeking undue favors from the Government or contribute to corrupting the system.   

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